Add caption “Empty your cup so that it may be filled, become devoid to gain totality” - Bruce lee - If you ask me about myself I would probably repeat most of what I wrote on my bio and then I would stop talking I don’t know I never thought about it more than that until I star facing new things and new situations and new people which I reacted differently than I was expecting. This is a big deal for me and it should be either I like it or not I’m not saying that I don’t remember what I do or my life I’ talking about the way I see myself that isn’t right. I remember telling my friend that if you want to see things right you should get out of yourself then see the whole picture, I don’t do that anymore and this is a mistake I think. This is an important thing to go through in your life, here you will find out who you really are, what you love and what you want to do now and in the future, ...